Picture "Untitled" (2011)
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Picture "Untitled" (2011)
Picture "Untitled" (2011)

Quick info

limited, total 15 copies | numbered | colour serigraph with lipstick and nail polish on cardboard | framed | size 103 x 73 cm

Product no. IN-810409.R1
Picture "Untitled" (2011)
Zwölf: Picture "Untitled" (2011)

Detailed description

Picture "Untitled" (2011)

Experimental screenprint by the artist duo "Twelve" with lipstick and nail polish. A tip for graphic enthusiasts to collect!

Original colour serigraph with lipstick and nail polish, 2011. Edition of 12 copies + 3 A.P. copies on cardboard, numbered. Size in frame 103 x 73 cm as shown.

Stefan Guzyund Björn Wiede in ihrem Serigrafieatelier "Handsiebdruckerei Kreuzberg".

About Zwölf

Screen printing is their medium: Stefan Guzy and Björn Wiede share a fascination for this printmaking technique. Both are graduates of the Berlin University of the Arts and have been working together as the artist collective "Zwölf" (eng.: twelve) since 2005 to push the technical limits of screen printing.

The results are aesthetically appealing works in which such unusual materials as plasticine, lipstick, nail varnish and toothpaste are used. The two artists are particularly interested in the reaction of different materials on one sheet.
